Sunday, 16 January 2011

Bed waits for no man

Last night I worked straight through on the ghost shift till past dawn
Serving people drinks and running around right up to this morning
I shifted and carried, lugged and slogged all after yesterdays ride
When this morning arrived I was so exhausted I felt like I had died

Like a walking zombie I set off home in the early morning light
And just like that Sunday day for me quickly became Saturday night
In bed by nine am and I was out like a light asleep until six pm
Get up, showered and changed, off out to lunch with my fellow men

So my run today was a slow slow jog as I headed down to the pub
To find some good company and enjoy some well earned grub
Then a bimble on home only half logged before endomondo got bored
But not to worry I can't wait for my bed again as I get back to my door

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